Projects    >   The Geosmine Yeast

The Geosmine Yeast

Soft Sedation

Project team: Erasmushogeschool Brussel, Open Biolab Brussels, Dr. Tom Peeters, Dr Stijn De Graeve, Dr Jolien De Munck

Location: Watou

Year: 2024

“Soft Sedation (Geosmin Yeast)” is a synthetic exploration of the sensation of nostalgia. The installation features artificial laboratory branches containing genetically modified yeast engineered to produce geosmin, a scent typically associated with forests after rain. This scent arises from a complex interaction of microorganisms, plant oils, ozone, and aerosol particles dispersed by rain. Humans are remarkably sensitive to geosmin, capable of detecting its molecules at concentrations far lower than most other scents. This heightened sensory experience can evoke feelings of nostalgia, eeriness, and a sense of otherness.

The work reimagines this natural scent by altering the metabolic pathways of yeast, enabling it to produce geosmin—an achievement made possible by the complete mapping of the yeast’s genome. By situating the installation within the historical context of a brewery, the piece reflects on the synthetic potential of yeast and its evolving role in future biotechnologies.

This genetic variation is displayed in the exhibition space with geosmin. De Block’s installation, “Soft Sedation; Synthetic Synaesthesia,” does exactly that: it disperses geosmin produced by yeast throughout the exhibition space. The work explores how our genes influence our emotional responses. What emotion does it evoke in you?

By placing his work in an old brewery, De Block speaks to the traditional identity of yeast. The historical role of microorganisms in human culture and technology becomes visible. It is both a nod to the past and a glimpse into the future. Today, yeasts are at the forefront of genetic manipulation. But how will yeast change the connection with ourselves, our cultures, and our ecosystems?