Diluted Forest - Geosmin Yeast (3/18) Genetically modified yeast strain Geosmine, Nutrient medium, Plexiglass, Resin,
405 x 275 x 20mm

Diluted Forest - Geosmin Yeast (3/18)
Genetically modified yeast strain
Geosmine, Nutrient medium, Plexiglass, Resin,
405 x 275 x 20mm

Diluted Forest - Geosmin Yeast (2/18)
Genetically modified yeast strain
Geosmine, Nutrient medium, Plexiglass, Resin,
405 x 275 x 20mm

Diluted Forest - Geosmin Yeast (1/18) Genetically modified yeast strain Geosmine, Nutrient medium, Plexiglass, Resin,
405 x 275 x 20mm

Diluted Forest - Geosmin Yeast (1/18)
Genetically modified yeast strain
Geosmine, Nutrient medium, Plexiglass, Resin,
405 x 275 x 20mm

Diluted Forest tryptich - Geosmine Yeast
Genetically modified yeast strain
Geosmine, Nutrient medium, Plexiglass, Resin
990 x 275 x 20

Generation 1
Aluminium frame
Petri dish with hapiness bacteria in resin
160 x 20

The Greater Gut - Installation
Reactor with continuous culture of Hapiness Bacteria
Enclosed in aluminium frame with hardened glass
120 x 180

In life and death
Series of 3 that shows the different life stages of the hapiness bacterie
12 x 12 (3x)